Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We Overcame but now we have to Overcome ourselves

Happy Black History Month!!! Its come that time where we recognize and appreciate our rich history as black people. Of course we can celebrate all year round but this is the designated time of month. So the late great Martin Luthur King Jr. fought and died for the rights we(black people) enjoy everyday of our lives. He represented love and compassion for all races, especially the unfortunate ones that no one cares about in society. We have came so far in the United States of America since we elected President Barack Obama; even though we're still not united as we should be as MLK envisioned. It still bothers me that blacks kill blacks but its a slap in the face of history when people are shot and killed at MLK parades over senseless viloence. We're our worst enemy at times and the only time we come togather is when we feel threatened as a whole. For example, black man gets shot by police, we get angry through protest and dialogue. But for some reason MLK's message is not getting through to the ghetto mentality of black youth. Gang members kill in the name of their affilation but never desire to live for something worth dying for like love of peace and progression. I believe we can change society and the media's way they view us by cleaning out the dirt and flith from our enviorments and past. People talk about new movements in pop culture all the time, there has to be a movement that will revive black culture because we're more than gang members and young baby mothers...we're KINGS AND QUEENS. We overcame but now its time to overcome ourselves.

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