Friday, March 11, 2011

A constant contradiction

People are usually more comfortable talking about failure and heartbreak, instead of love and accomplishment. We spend more time speaking on what the enemy did instead of what God has done. We give more power to liars while mocking truth-tellers. We disrespect love because of what the users of it do. Destroying the believers' faith because you let yours die a death that could have been avoided. We question love when it comes but instantly embrace anger. We use our being imperfect as an excuse for not giving up ourselves completly to a higher power; but we want unconditional love from that "special someone" flaws and all. Fearless and terrified at the sametime. Approachable and avoiding the true love that challenges us or is uncomfortable at times. The truth shall set you free and the lie will keep you blind. We look out for ourselves while ignoring unity. Our heroes live forever because of unselfish acts of love and compassion that refused to let personal hurts and disappointments crumble them into pieces of bitterness.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

LoveLady written by Ken White,II

Its what she is without trying

With a face lovely as an angel
She occupies the inner parts of my mind
Her pure energy alone deserves a round of applause
You cant help but love such a beautiful spirit that God so ingeniously created
Made in an image of endless love
No word or gesture can compare to the work of art that is her
If you're fortuante to breath in her presence you must breathe her in
Her perfume lingers in the air without warning
A scent of desire, caressing the imagination of even the truset skeptic
Because she is a women in every sense of the word
An adjective in her every curve
Not oblivious at all to the gift she possesses
Not arrogant either but appreciative because she's in touch with her angelic possession
Its shared with everyone through her smile
Everyday gives the LoveLady a chance to improve on perfection
And i get to watch an evolution that has already evovled
