Friday, October 28, 2011

We're Better than the less we Accept

How much is  it really worth? Why settle for being treated as a wife without the title? Having his babies for approval still puts you at second best. You're not worth the commitment before God? Love needs no guide, only obedience. Pleasure is fleeting without love leading the way down the aisle of rose pedals and celebratory smiles. Foundation is essential bacause nothing can stand strong that lacks it. Popular disbelief have lead many to believe mediocraty is the new standard. There's a reason every U.S. president has a powerful wife by his side, this displays a true alliance with greatness to govern a nation(your nation, being the children you gave birth to) who desperatley need to witness a unified front starting with a president and first lady. We need more first ladies in our households and less baby-mothers. These thoughts come from a single man(they say you're single until you're married)so that any possible agreement will already have an agenda in place. We're better than the less we accept. A King and Queen will never say, "I don't need to wear my crown today." It's still worth more than the time spent trying to discredit the blessing of marriage. I'm not here to bash or convince, these thoughts just make sense to me. if the reader agrees or decides to increase their value than expressing myself will always be worth every letter written.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Stars shine without Permission

God didnt give you a gift to keep it to yourself because of the fear of what people will say. why listen to people who lack the power of advancement in your life? a child cant tell you how to be an adult as a doubter cant help your belief. so it makes no sense to not be the star you are because the sun doesnt need permisson to shine, it just shines.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Too different to be the Same

“Too different to be the Same” written by Ken White, II 4/5/11

There’s a seed of greatness in all of us
Some need validation to be convinced about their seed from deceiving individuals that envy your light
A light that you some how missed
Its your light but its brightness has been hidden from your eyes and replaced as darkness confused as light
Something different
Unaware of your power so now what’s seen in the mirror is a mirror image of someone else who seems to have the desired approval of many
All your energy is poured into the image of characters created from a misguided mind yearning to belong to an artificially elite or incomplete masterpiece of what society deems as popular
Playing a leading role where your muse is a lie directed and edited by imaginary professionals that are an act within themselves proclaiming to care but laugh, point, and stare at a lost soul
Inside the heart of a lost soul beats hope of a soon to be awakening in the midst of confusion and self    delusion
An answer screams, breaking the false images of your creations into pieces of oblivion
Singing the proclamation of individuality
Delighting the empty insides of mediocrity with melodies arranged in heaven
Created to sanctify, purify, energize, and renew the hero that God made in you

Friday, March 11, 2011

A constant contradiction

People are usually more comfortable talking about failure and heartbreak, instead of love and accomplishment. We spend more time speaking on what the enemy did instead of what God has done. We give more power to liars while mocking truth-tellers. We disrespect love because of what the users of it do. Destroying the believers' faith because you let yours die a death that could have been avoided. We question love when it comes but instantly embrace anger. We use our being imperfect as an excuse for not giving up ourselves completly to a higher power; but we want unconditional love from that "special someone" flaws and all. Fearless and terrified at the sametime. Approachable and avoiding the true love that challenges us or is uncomfortable at times. The truth shall set you free and the lie will keep you blind. We look out for ourselves while ignoring unity. Our heroes live forever because of unselfish acts of love and compassion that refused to let personal hurts and disappointments crumble them into pieces of bitterness.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

LoveLady written by Ken White,II

Its what she is without trying

With a face lovely as an angel
She occupies the inner parts of my mind
Her pure energy alone deserves a round of applause
You cant help but love such a beautiful spirit that God so ingeniously created
Made in an image of endless love
No word or gesture can compare to the work of art that is her
If you're fortuante to breath in her presence you must breathe her in
Her perfume lingers in the air without warning
A scent of desire, caressing the imagination of even the truset skeptic
Because she is a women in every sense of the word
An adjective in her every curve
Not oblivious at all to the gift she possesses
Not arrogant either but appreciative because she's in touch with her angelic possession
Its shared with everyone through her smile
Everyday gives the LoveLady a chance to improve on perfection
And i get to watch an evolution that has already evovled


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Love never hates Dreams.

People sacrifice their dreams for many reasons. It could be because of loved ones you decide to take care of like your children, your ill mother, or father, etc. When you see someone with a real passion to create, its inspiring to a point where you want to create or find a way to help them out. In most cases, people should never give up on their dreams because it may lead the dreamer to resent who or whatever the reason was for their "dream deferred." I watched a co worker spontaneously sing a song(that she wrote) in the breakroom at work with boldness that honestly took me by surprise. She has a decent voice that could be stronger with singing lessons. The song was very catchy and radio friendly; i kept humming it after she sung it to me. She was singing to me like i was a record executive. lol. But let me get to my point, she will never make her dream a reality! I say that because as I tried to contact a music producer associate, she began to explain to me her husbands "funny" opinion about black men. He's the kind of insecure man that makes me irritated when i hear about their ways. She told me he has a stereotypical opinion about all black men sagging their jeans...blah blah blah. Basically he's a racist that thinks all balck men are thugs that wanna have sex with his white wife. The man thats suppose to love her doesn't want his wife to pursue her dream because he has nightmares of a black man taking advantage of her. NEWSFLASH: she's gonna do what she wants to do weather you like it or not!! Now i believe she's just as guilty for letting anyone including her husband destroy what makes her truly happy. I also considered that she might be using him as an excuse to not pursue a singing career because of her own insecurites. But either way a dream should never stay alseep unless the circumstances are honorable like i mentioned in the opening of this blog. Now let me say I do hope she at least pursue her music either in the form of writing or producing if not singing. All men have an ego to a certain extent but it should never hurt anyone in the process, especially to the people you love. For example, you have to have a certain level of an ego to bring about change for yourself and the world. Her husband's ego is choking the life out of her passion; love sets people free.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Unavailable or Private calls are for losers!!!

Why is it that everyday i get a call from a mysterious number that i cant even see?!?! all i have to do is hit the ignore or silent button but its getting a lil annoying becasue sometimes its back to back calls!!! i dont know if its telemarketers, some business, or a person i may know but either way its what a coward does. who sits around callin poeple number everyday but dont want the person to know who you are?? dont be embarassed, just let it be known that its you or your company callin my phone once again to tell me about something thats not important! they know its not improtant to me because they hide their identity in hopes that i'll answer my phone. i do not answer numbers i dont know most of the time, so a number i cant even see will never be answered unless im really bored and feel like screaming in my phone like a lunatic to give myslef a good laugh! stop the madness!!!!!